Feelings, Ranked
Full disclosure, I haven’t done any actual programming in years, but lately I’ve been making AutoHotKey scripts for my boring as shit dayjob – that counts, right? Every time the script file compiles with no errors feels like divine bliss.
Oh, by the way: I’m in the home stretch (I hope) of a Super Secret Project and I might miss a comic update or two in the coming week(s). You can check out my Patreon page for a teaser!
Not sure about the other two, but I can confirm #1 is the utmost absolute bliss.
Made anything AutoHotkey you want to share with us chickens Kristian? (github?) Or is it all very specific to your job? :)
Oh, it’s super specific to my job. I’m still very much a newbie, so I’m f.ex. just learning loops to automate some really mundane tasks.
There have been cases in human history where people managed to compile the code on the first try?
I’ve heard rumors that it is indeed possible! The mythical application was called “Hello World”.
IntelliSense and other code completion has really spoiled us from the good ol’ days. Not that I’m complaining: it’s freaking awesome to be able to get that high almost every single time I compile!
Pfff, compiling on the first try?
I much prefer if instead it doesn’t crash on the first run.