Paper Factory Feud by Kristian on January 20, 2012 at 00:00 Chapter: Comic My tree readers will be glad to hear that Optipess is created 100% digitally. Liked it? Take a second to support Kristian on Patreon! └ Tags: pantomime, someone dies inside, trees
Haha… brilliant
Printing out the truce proposition on paper was probably the wrong first step.
Hahahaha! Oh man… funny! One of my all time favorites.
Wahh, papercuts! The scourge of modern day work! Eek.
Didn’t really think it was that funny, but the hidden text made me giggle ^^;
Boy, the guy with glasses sure can’t spell the word “TREES” very well, can he?
A truce? The fool! Sure he’s surrounded, but the trees have no mobile infantry!
Seeing papercuts always makes my finger hurt. :D
Why am I being so visual. >x(
Some may call it… tree-venge? Muahahaaa!!