The Adorable Undead
Aw yeah, here is a comic strip even though I got somewhat distracted by The Last of Us. Please reshare this comic to spread this heartwarming infection!
Aw yeah, here is a comic strip even though I got somewhat distracted by The Last of Us. Please reshare this comic to spread this heartwarming infection!
I thought I would see the “someone eventually dies” tag.
Cute undeads are still undeads right?
well human undeads only eat human brains. I’m guessing animal undeads only eat… animal brains? So as long as they don’t keep their own pets they should be fine?
this sadly reminds me of this:
Well, that didn’t work very well, it was a video of an abandoned pet cemetery. Quite sad actually.
What happened to the fish? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ZOMBIE FISH!?!?!
They live in the sewers now.
The Human Zombie Centipede… :-(
Aww.. :3 I bet they smell bad, though.
but you don’t need to feed them.
you don’t need to walk them.
and they don’t crap anywhere.
Though, they smell like rotten bacon.