Line Starts Here
Cartoonist confessional: Physically, I’m probably somewhere in the third panel, steadily inching closer to the fourth. Mentally I’m in the (not depicted) panel occurring before this comic.
Cartoonist confessional: Physically, I’m probably somewhere in the third panel, steadily inching closer to the fourth. Mentally I’m in the (not depicted) panel occurring before this comic.
The sign could also say “LIFE STARTS HERE”.
Don’t you think that would kinda… you know… ruin the joke?
“Mentally I’m in the (not depicted) panel occurring before this comic.”
– So you were thinking about sex? We all do Kristian, we all do…
You’re a genius!
You deserve a raise!!!
That woutd imply he was thinking of his parents havig sex… sorry, and it was was so nice here for hours when i started, the gamergate incident was bit i guess indicative of à large scale flame war, but since then there have been constant trickles, as was observed by someone in the GG thread anything over a dozen posts is alot here, been using this at a litmus test for a timeline of argument strategys over the past few years, hany for me, ta… I’ll go back to biting my tounge, no need to add to ill feeling is there… piece…
My rant unrelated to you, i go off topicand the past couple of years worth of comics has been my past few hours, and the comment kind melded into a linear thingy for me,,,, plus i forget…
Waiting for Godot, then finally meeting him?
This must be the line for the Central Bureaucracy.
Old Man: “I’m still waiting on my birth certificate.”
[line takes a step back]
Old Man: “Oh great. Someone had a baby.”