Saucer Show
BAM! Another larger page format comic, with double the size and thus proportionally increased amounts of funny! (Well, hopefully.)
BAM! Another larger page format comic, with double the size and thus proportionally increased amounts of funny! (Well, hopefully.)
Yup, I’d drink anything with an umbrella too!
Fønni! Me like.
Ooo, extra long comic!
I don’t get it though…
No, wait. Now I do :P
dancing in the rain. no, wait. in the sauce. :)
hahaha, nice cocktail… haha
hahaha made me laugh
Awesome, I’m glad you guys enjoyed it.
Also, the excessive and futile tapdancing in panel five still makes me smile. :)
Oh come on, don’t do like you don’t get it, obvious and clever King Kong reference :D (The Peter Jackson version)