Breaking News
I guess we can finally say Merry Christmas again!
Also, I will be away on travels over the holidays, so updates WILL be sporadic for a little while. (My plan is to get a couple more comics done until the new year, but we’ll see how things pan out.)
Oh, and I was a guest on a Norwegian podcast recently, where I got to talk about comics for over an hour. Exciting! Of course, this is in Norwegian only, so if you don’t speak the language I recommend setting aside 2-3 years of your life to learn it then listen to the episode later. Easy!
Happy Christmas to you, and thank you for the amusing (and slightly horrifying) comics you post!
Happy Holidays, and it was nice to see the subtle jab at the attackers-of-Christmas, who perpetually mock the Christian saying of “Happy Holidays”, referring to the Days of Christmas, in preference to focusing only on just one commercialized day.
Bravo sir. +1 humbug for you…
And it isn’t Christmas that’s being attacked, it is the church and the faith that are the targets.
I’ll be headed to the local cathedral this Monday to nail a document to the door.
The church evades the laws of the land, preferring to move child molesters from parish to parish rather than face inquiry.
If Christians simply refused to tithe until the church submitted to the same law the rest of us live by there would be much less tension between us. But for now, with all the horrors the church has committed against my family, and millions of others, there can be no peace between us.
I am an Australian, for context..
I must apologise. This really isn’t the place for me to vent my rage.
Just a rough time of year y’know… Like salt in a wound…
I’d understand if you wanted to take my comment down.
Not to say I recant my statement, it was made in anger, and a little bit much.
But the facts themselves stand.
Thanks again Kristian, you are a stone cold dude,
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.
May my ancestor, Queen Boudicca, slay the enemies of your ancestors in the afterlife in a barfight over whether zebras are a horse or not, sending them back to this life, the sole heir to the last family of their line, impotent and childless, triggering a power up in the videogame Shiva is playing, giving you superpowers…
If my country just let me grow a plant I wouldn’t get all crazy angry, but hey, democracy, will of the douchebags and all…
Is that a lump of coal with sunglasses?
Nice B)
Nice catch. That gave me a second laugh. The little touches are the icing here.
Knowledge entails recognizing that a tomato is classified as a fruit. Wisdom entails recognizing the inappropriateness of including it in a fruit salad.