Happy New Year!
Phew, had to wade through tons of settings to get my aging phone working as an internet bridge to upload this (old) strip (it’s from 2008, actually!). That means the internet connection at my folks’ place is still down, so I haven’t been able to upload anything else this week. With some luck it will be up and running for next weeks comics, but I can’t promise anything, unfortunately. Oh, and to join in on the celebration of our jolly alien friends above; here everyone: have a brand new year you can use or throw away as you please! :D
Happy New Year! And what better way to start it than with this fine comic.
Awesome! I laughed so hard I shot soda out my nose. Which was odd because I wasn’t drinking soda at the time.
Amazing how close the alien characters for 2 and 1 are to our own. Convergent evolution? Cosmic cooincidence? Maybe they’re mimicking the noises the shuttles make when they launch on Earth?
Wait a second, if this is a strip from 2008 does that mean that it’s really 2009 now? Like we went back a year, just because of this comic.
Haha, oops. I case you didn’t notice it right away, the alien characters are from an “alien font” I downloaded from somewhere. I’m not really well versed in the fictional language, which probably explains the YCAR typo. The rest of the characters should be correctly mirrored, but if I remember correctly, the 1 and 2 characters were tweaked to subtly look like our own. Also, the word at the end of the first speech bubble is supposed to be “launch!”. :P