Hunt Duck
Phew, Norway is having its warmest summer in decades, but you will probably be pleased to hear that I’m entirely spending it staying inside to draw comics just for you!
Phew, Norway is having its warmest summer in decades, but you will probably be pleased to hear that I’m entirely spending it staying inside to draw comics just for you!
Strange how climate works.
Here in Italy we’re having one of the freshest summers of the last couple of decades.
Oh, the hovertext really doubles the fun of this strip.
What does “fresh” mean in this context? I’ve never heard someone describe weather with this term.
Cold. I know this from german („frisch”); it’s funny that it is used in italy too.
It’s kind of the same in Norwegian as well, where its “friskt”, which translates to “brisk”.
Payback time
Best MouseOver EVER.
:D :D :D