Lovesick by Kristian on October 16, 2009 at 00:00 Chapter: Comic Yes! This is the 100th Optipess comic! Liked it? Take a second to support Kristian on Patreon! └ Tags: pantomime, romance, theme park
yay for 100 optipess strips!
I love Optipess so much I could puke!
Congrats, Kristian!
awww, how touching! semi-digested food-heart. :lol:
Congratulations on 100 great comics!
Oh my god! I want to do this so much!
Congratulations on the big 100! Still, I notice that less than half these comics have the ‘someone dies’ tag. Obviously you’re just not trying hard enough. =P
how about ‘someone is better off dead’ tag? I mean, those people on the ride (or even the cleaner!) might feel better off snuffed it!
Congrats on reaching 100 strips!!! Do I spy a complete fish skeleton in the puke? I wonder who ate that?
he’s always so sweeeet xD
gratz on 100 optipess!!!!!!!!!!
Yarr! It’s Captain Barfheart!
Happy Hundreds!
Congrats dude! I can’t believe you’ve made a 100 of these already…. *goes and check* oh wait, sorry.
Reminds me of the train disaster piece. Man this guy is extreme when it comes to impressing the ladies!
More than the guy’s tragically sweet displays of love, I love the girl’s appreciation of them. That’s my kind of lover!