Misplaced Keys
Hopefully everyone are familiar with these beeping keychain things, otherwise this comic probably doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
Hopefully everyone are familiar with these beeping keychain things, otherwise this comic probably doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
Never heard of those keycahin things, but it’s still funny. ^^
I used to have one but it was whistle activated instead of a clap :-)
Yes! I had a whistle-activated keychain too. But for comedic effect, the clap-clap is teh win.
Ah, I’ve never had one of these, but I think they’re activated by any loud and sharp noise, actually. So yeah, I also had the thought that it could be activated by applause – from the family and friends of the patient – for an operation well done. But I guess that was even more dependable on being familiar with the beeping keychain concept…
The other concept of this strip – the notion of a doctor forgetting stuff in a patient’s body – is however probably not that uncommon, I’m afraid. I’m guessing it happens all the time.
Well, It’s a common mistake.