@Yacine: Hah wow, that review was fantastic. Now I want to read “The Secret”, preferably the shiv edition.
(I’m not usually one for self-help books, though; I started reading a book about defeating procrastination, but got distracted by Xbox gaming or something.)
A very simple book to read. A must-have on bookshelfs!
haha, reminds me of this Amazon review of “The Secret”: http://www.amazon.com/review/R2X2TB3S4O5I60/
hahaha, nice! there should be “how to catch a fugitive” for Dummies book ;)
@Yacine: Hah wow, that review was fantastic. Now I want to read “The Secret”, preferably the shiv edition.
(I’m not usually one for self-help books, though; I started reading a book about defeating procrastination, but got distracted by Xbox gaming or something.)
that is hilarious!
Ha! When you start making Optipess merchandise, you should totally make this book!
Reminds me of The Shawshank Redemption.