Zombie Surprise
Yikes! A gory comic strip arrives despite the ongoing computer troubles. Since last time I’ve even had to adopt the good old vacuum cleaner trick to cool down my CPU.
This thing above will also be the huge twist ending to The Walking Dead. Oops, spoilers!
This is how I lost both of my hands.
It’s a trap!
“Before passing out he was handed the ”
… the what?
Time for a “Someone will die without immediate medical attention” tag? :D
Chop chop! Is there a doctor in the house? This guy needs a hand!
To be fair, the human mouth is pretty dirty anyways so he was probably just as well to cut it off.
Before passing out he was handed the “best makeup” award.
(An html error cut of the end)
Ah yeah, I’ve encountered this bug a couple times before. Apparently regular quotation marks won’t work properly in the hover text. Should be fixed now, though!
Got a bad title attribute on the image’s surrounding anchor tag. Can’t use (or at least have to escape) double-quotes inside a double-quoted string. Could just use singles inside….
Yup, fixed it now. Thanks for the head’s up!
Can you do two single quotes in a row? Like ”this”?
ПроÑто жеÑтоко
I don’t know about the twist ending to The Walking Dead, but this was definitely in the season finale of Justified!