Ah, sorry guys, but I was feeling under the weather this weekend and didn’t get around to making a regular comic – so instead, as a replacement, you get these 5 “bad” ones I had lying around! With some luck I’ll be up to making a Friday comic later this week, but for now I’m prescribing sleep and naps for myself in equal measure.
As promised, here’s another batch of “bad” comics! I’m definitely having fun making these, and the no-colors, three-panel setup means I can quickly crank out a few of these silly comic ideas that for one reason or another won’t really work as a full-fledged Optipess comic. Speaking of which, new “regular” comics will reappear from Monday on.
Hello! So instead of a regular comic today, you get 5 bad ones! This is pretty much inspired by the “200 Bad Comics Challenge” as first issued by Box Brown to Nedroid, and later picked up by ChannelAte and DJ Bogtrotter. I think. Anyway, I don’t really have plans to make 200 of these anytime soon, but bursts of 5 should appear with irregular intervals from now on. Oh, and you can click on the image to make it bigger. Also, while I’m still on “vacation”, other new stuff may appear later this week and/or next week. Who knows, stay tuned!
If you’re a bit like me, antisocial and introverted, then you probably enjoy all these new ways to “connect” and “interact” with people online, especially since they don’t require you to leave the house. And of course, Optipess is present on some of these with varying intensity! So in case you didn’t know of these already, or if you’re a new reader, I figured I should pimp out the links:
Most notably there’s a brand new Facebook page for Optipess. This replaces the old group thing on there, the biggest difference being that this one will actually be updated! At the very least I’m running a magical RSS import script that notifies you of every new strip (when it works as advertised, I should note), but there’s also a chance other news and semi-important messages will appear here. And maybe later some exclusive comics? Who knows!
Also, even less formal and basically bordering on the completely mundane, I’m also on the micro-blogging sensation site “Twitter” which you may have heard of already. Here I will inform you of what I just ate for breakfast or the current color of my socks. Oh, and the existence of new comic strips will also be tweeted about along with other comic-related events. Such as my excitement if I discover a new Photoshop shortcut key, for example. Thrilling!
PS: In addition to these, I’m also present on other more or less “social” music sites such as Last.fm and RateYourMusic, which may or may not be of interest, probably depending on how good your taste in music is.
Ok, now back to drawing tomorrow’s comic!
Ouch, looks like today’s comic strip will be delayed a little while as I pretty much spent all day yesterday in bed groaning with headaches and/or sleeping instead of drawing. Hopefully it will only be a few hours late, however that’s now dependable on whether or not I manage to stay awake for more than 15 minutes. Stay tuned!